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CTG in Europe

In May 2012, CTG bought 21.35% equity in Energias de Portugal (EDP), becoming its single largest shareholder. CTG and EDP have worked together to explore clean energy market in Europe using EDP’s global network, resources and managerial expertise to develop projects. 

In 2015, CTG and EDP set up a joint venture Hydro Global to jointly develop middle and small hydro projects around the world. The Agreement on Cooperative Development of British Moray Offshore Wind Power Project was signed with EDP. 

In 2016, CTG broke ground in the developed market and made a 650 million Euro deal to buy 80% of German offshore wind park Meerwind from U.S. firm Blackstone. CTG therefore becomes the first Chinese enterprise to enter the global offshore wind power market.

On May 14th 2014, under the witness of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Portuguese President Aníbal Cavaco Silva, CTG and EDP signed "Agreement for Strengthening Strategic and Cooperative Relations".

On Oct 9th 2016, under the witness of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Portuguese Premier António Costa, CTG and EDP signed "Agreement to Enhance Cooperation".

Meerwind Offshore Wind Power Project,Germany

Onshore Wind Power Project, Italy