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CTG in Africa

For the long term, Africa continues to be sustained by solid underlying trends as increasing urbanization, considerable demand in energy. CTG’s ability to take charge of such operations including their financial aspects and CTG’s expertise in managing major projects are significant competitive advantages.

CWE has been operating in Africa since 1950s. In recent decade the company has successfully executed the Merowee Dam project and twin-dam Upper Atbara and Setit linked to electricity, water supply and irrigation systems in Sudan. Its business enjoyed steady growth, with Kaleta Hydroelectric Project (240 MW) and Souapiti (450 MW), two hydropower projects in Guinea which will be conducted through investment. In 2016 CWE acquired 51% of Kaleka power plant, becoming a major partner of the Guinean government.

While developing water and hydropower projects, CWE has also been active in the construction of transmission lines, transformation stations, substations, and various electrification projects, mainly located in Ghana and Guinea.

CTG is leading the Chinese consortium for participation in the Inga 3 hydropower project preparation in DRC. Projections indicate that once completed, Inga III would generate 4,500 MW of electricity. Inga III is the centerpiece of a partnership which envisions the interconnection of the electric grids of DRC, Namibia, Angola, Botswana, and South Africa.